Outside of the courtroom, rarely do you get the opportunity to hear two great legal minds speak on liquor issues.

I am moderating a panel with Professor Alex Tanford, who is suing numerous states over their wine shipping laws, and the Solicitor General of Ohio Ben Flowers on the future of the 21st Amendment.

This may be the last chance to catch Professor Tanford on a public panel before litigation begins on state wine shipping cases. Register here.

Link to buy tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-future-of-the-21st-amendment-cheers-or-buzz-kill-tickets-75616008517?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR3g1vGF6qAd80cjnAyKfE-57VRQQbDW0sA-ltXZsyJsYptoxtWpAjETfbU