I am pleased to announce that the Great Constitutional Alcohol Debate: Does the 21st Amendment usurp the Commerce Clause is happening in Chicago on March 14th.

The debate will be between Alex Tanford and Brannon Denning.

Alex Tanford is a Professor Emeritus at Indiana University School of Law. He was part of the victorious legal team in the Granholm case at the U.S. Supreme Court, which opened up winery shipping markets. Presently, he has six cases challenging discriminatory wine retailer shipping laws.

On the other side is Brannon Denning, a Starnes Professor of law, at Cumberland School of Law. Professor Denning is a well regarded professor on Commerce Clause and Dormant Commerce Clause issues. He has written and spoken on 21st Amendment issues, defending the state’s power in regulating alcohol from Commerce Clause challenges.

I will be the debate’s moderator.

The venue will be at the brand new and only craft brewery in downtown Chicago, Industry Ales, 230 S. Wabash, Chicago. Like the Notre Dame Liquor Symposium, the debate will be lively and balanced, great food and drink will be provided, and the atmosphere around the event will be great! 1 Hour of CLE will be provided.

Click on the link  https://fedsoc.org/events/the-great-constitutional-alcohol-debate-does-the-21st-amendment-usurp-the-commerce-clause